
The 22nd "Chinese Bridge" World University Chinese Language Competition between China and Africa has

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  • Release time: 2023-11-01

On June 9 local time, the final of the 22nd "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for World University Students hosted by the Chinese Embassy in China and Africa and hosted by the Confucius Institute in Bangui, Bohai University was successfully held in Bangui University. More than 200 people, including Li Qinfeng, Chinese Ambassador to China and Africa, G é rard GRESENGUET, President of Bangui University, the 19th batch of China aided medical teams in China and Africa, representatives of Chinese funded institutions and overseas Chinese in China and Africa, teachers and students of primary and secondary schools of the Confucius Institute in Bangui, Bohai University, participated in the competition.
The theme of this competition is "One World", and the segment is divided into three parts: a Chinese speech, a question and answer about China's national conditions, and a Chinese talent performance. A total of 9 contestants participated. The competition mainly examines the contestants' ability to express themselves in Chinese, their reserve of knowledge about China's national conditions and cultural background, and their mastery of Chinese talents. One month before the competition, the Confucius Institute in Bangui, Bohai University arranged a centralized training for nine contestants to improve their understanding of China's national conditions and cultural background knowledge, and improve their speaking and talent performance skills. After fierce competition, GANIYONGO Bienvenu Bonheur from Bangui Confucius Institute of Bohai University finally won the championship.
Ambassador Li Qinfeng said in his speech that language is a bridge connecting different cultures. Today, we use Chinese as a bridge, and continue to expand this "bridge of cultural exchanges", "bridge of deepening friendship", and "bridge of people to people integration". We should actively promote more people to people exchanges and cultural mutual learning between the two countries, promote people to people connectivity between the two countries, and add a magnificent movement to the building of a "Community of Common Destiny".
President Gresham Gay warmly congratulated the success of the competition. He also said that the "Chinese Bridge" competition not only conveyed the beautiful vision of China Africa and China as a family, but also deepened the friendship, cooperation and win-win relationship between China and Africa and China.
This competition is the second time that the Confucius Institute in Bangui, Bohai University, has held the "Chinese Bridge" World Undergraduate Chinese Competition. Compared with last year, more students from the Confucius Institute actively signed up to participate in the audition. On the day of the event, many local media scrambled to report, and the competition also attracted teachers and students from other universities, middle schools and primary schools in Bangui to come to watch the competition, setting off another Chinese craze in the local area.
Contributor/Li Yang
Photography/19th batch of medical teams assisted by the Chinese Embassy in Central Africa







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